Alarm Systems

100 Series

NEO Series

Alarm System

GSM Alarm


Fire Alarm
How do I choose an Alarm System and what do I need to look out for?
We always aim to provide you with advice that is as expansive and honest as possible. Our advice consists of theoretical information (objective factors) and our personal preference (subjective factors). After more than 20 years of working with different brands of alarm systems, we have experienced many different situations dealing with both private individuals and companies. In this respect, we know how important it is to understand some of the theory concerning security systems.
Which alarm system should I choose?
We believe there are no bad choices when it comes to certified alarm systems. What matters most is functionality and user-friendliness. There's no such thing as the 'best alarm system', and every alarm system requires a tailored approach.
Buying an alarm system - Objective factors
Our starting point for security is always the required standard.
We always provide security systems in accordance with the necessary security measures. Of course, we may deviate from these by mutual agreement, but as long as there is a certain 'insurance requirement' involved, we must comply with the required measurements. The compulsory choice for a wired alarm system depends on the established risk class (class 3 and 4). A wireless alarm system or hybrid (combination of both) is the most commonly used option.
All of the alarm systems that we sell are certified and can comply with the necessary requirements.
Always make sure that the detectors are positioned properly for projection
Extremely important for the projection of an object is the positioning of the detectors. If you are going to install them yourself - which we certainly encourage - please get in touch with us in advance. The alarm system must be positioned in such a way that it can be technically verified. Technical verification is a requirement in order for the police to follow up on any alarms with priority 1.
In addition to technical verification, a security camera system can also be used as a means of verification in itself.
All customers who have purchased an alarm system from us are provided with a configuration check in accordance with the O.B.E.R. security measures.
Buying an alarm system - Subjective factors
Compared to the objective factors, the subjective factors are more preference based, with personal experience playing an important role here. Security is mostly implemented in a (specific) reactive way and not in a (general) proactive way. For example, an alarm system for the home or business purposes is often purchased in response to a burglary, fire or robbery. When it comes to an alarm system for your home or business, you can also turn to Credex Alarm Systems.
Whether it's an alarm system for your business premises or a home alarm system, we always make sure our customers are aware of what security measures are in place. This allows you to implement the most comprehensive and functional alarm system for your home, work, family and living situation.
So which alarm system should you choose?
In a nutshell: in any case, at least a grade 2 certified alarm system.
+ PLEASE NOTE: always with a risk class compliant projection in accordance with the VRKI, especially in terms of technical verification.
+ IMPORTANT: comprehensive information about the structural and reactive security measures.
+ INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: if there is an insurance claim, please get in touch with us.
- Do not purchase a system that comes with a subscription, as this is all too often a money trap.
- Do you prefer an alarm system with a direct connection to an alarm center? Always make sure you are well informed about how an alarm center works.
- A lot of systems are difficult to manage independently when it comes to configuration and maintenance. Always do some research into this beforehand.
- Too often, unnecessary (read: expensive) maintenance contracts and alarm center connections are insisted on.
The many types of "plug & play" alarm systems on the market offer a lot of false security, with proper instructions and information particularly lacking.
We recommend the Jablotron 100 in particular; in our opinion the number one certified alarm system of this day and age. It is easy to configure and maintain, especially with our life-time MyCredex support service. Would you like to know more? Please feel free to contact us. Or take a look at our FAQ, where you will find answers to the most common questions.